Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

Last night was a non-raiding night and I didn't spend too much time online.

I finally got the Looking for Multitudes achievement on my priest and the Perky Pug that goes along with it. Woo hoo! I'm unsure how I'm going to do the random daily going forward. I think I'll just do it with guildies from now on, as much as possible. I'm getting my fill of pugs while leveling my shaman. I can't take much more.

I only ran one instance on my Shaman. She's now 42. Shaman items are hard to come by at that level so when a hunter took the mail bracers with intellect and stam on them, I must admit I was annoyed. Yeah it was only a green, but they were the first drop in days of pugging that actually made sense for a shammy.
  • I'll take this moment to apologize to all the shammies whose loot I took back when I was new to the game and leveling my hunter. Although Intellect was useful, I now understand it was much more useful to you. I sincerely apologize.
I ran random heroics on both my mage and druid, then called it a night.

Raid night tonight. I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha.. same experience here. I took all mail drops even with high INT and we have shaman on group. I thought hunter most need it than other class.. sorry too for all shammies.

    Good luck on your raid! :)
