Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17, 2009

Oh What a Night!
Last night was a fun fun fun night! First, the finale of So You Think You Can Dance was on. I love that show. This was the best season so far. And I'm not just saying that to follow the hype. The talent was top notch! time in WoW was exhilarating. I stayed up much later than I should have, but it was well worth it.

ToC 10 (Priest)
The night started with my 10-man going to ToC 10 regular. I DPSed my way through while one of our warriors healed on her priest alt. It was pretty much a cake walk. It's amazing how much easier it is now than it was when ToC came out. I can remember going in there on the first day and being overwhelmed by Gormok the Impaler and his pesky snobolds! Experience + gear + skill = success!

Ulduar 10 (Priest)
We then headed over to Ulduar 10 to do the Deconstructor fight for those who still needed the weekly raid quest. We killed FL, Razorscale and Deconstructor. We were a bit cocky and actually wiped once. But it was all good. We focused later when it was necessary.

ToGC 10 (Priest)
Alts were switched out for mains and we went into ToGC 10. Beasts? Pfft! Lord RNG? Or cockiness carried over from Ulduar? A few wipes later... Faction shot! Twins...two shots! Woo hoo!!!!

It was really late. I mean, really late. I shouldn't have stayed. But, I did. I couldn't abandon the group right before our first attempt at Heroic Anub'arak. So, hoping my husband wouldn't file for divorce, I continued on. We made several very commendable attempts. On a few of them we had him to about 300k hp. Soooo close! We finally had to call it when others had to go. We have 30+ attempts left, so I think we might get him down this week.

So friggin exciting! Yeah, I know, it's old content at this point. But, we're a 25-man guild, not a 10-man one. So, this is personal progress.

10 Man Core Group?
Last night I had one of my lack-of-confidence moments during our raid. When it was close to the time that I had originally intended on quitting, I told the raid leader I had about an hour left. About 15 minutes later another healer logged in (one that I mentioned in an previous post who is newer to the guild than I but much much better geared). The raid leader said, "Oh, so and so is online. She can replace the healing spot when the time comes."

My first reaction to that? I was convinced there was relief in his voice. Her healing output is much higher than mine. Of course, she provides more assurance that a raid will be successful. (I'm also basing this on the fact that when she's in 10-mans with us, I'm assigned to DPS.) I couldn't keep myself from thinking that he must wish he had her instead of me as a regular member.

Then today I got a delightful surprise. I saw that on our guild forums my raid leader listed me on his list of core members. Not only am I on the list, but I'm #3, right after him and the top dps of the group. He mentioned the other healer, but only indicating that she fills in when needed. Woo hoo! I really wish I didn't have these moments of self doubt. They're so unattractive. :\

Tonight is raid night again. ToC25 and ToGC25. I'm praying that I get a good drop...hopefully Misery's End. I won't hold my weapon drop luck has never been good!

I hope to play my Mage and Druid this weekend. It feels like it has been forever since I've played them. But...I have to do holiday stuff on my priest.

So much to little time!

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