I had a really good time in game this weekend. Such a good time that I didn't even realize how much snow had fallen outside. Seriously. I saw the snow on the windowsill. My husband commented on the amount of snow. But, I was so focused on the game that I didn't know the true amount of snow until this morning.
That's the sign of a good weekend in WoW! :-)
ToC 25 (Mage)
Friday night I logged in with my Druid to transmute a gem when one of my friends in my mage's guild asked if I wanted to go to ToC 25. I switched to my mage and went to a raid for the first time with this new guild.
It was a fun and interesting time. Fun because I was with my friends whom I haven't partied with in weeks. Also fun because it was the first time being in there with my mage. We got through Northrend Beasts and Lord Jaraxxus fine. The funny thing was that both encounters were completely chaotic. No positioning determined ahead of time. No strategy involved. Just chaos. They were successful, which is what matters in the end. We stopped after a few tries at Faction Champs.
After the raid, I spoke with the guild leader and offered to give him strategy tips if he ever decided to try hard modes. His response was that this guild isn't the type that will attempt hard modes. Fair enough, I offered to help out whenever I can. He seemed very appreciative.
Ulduar 25 (Mage)
After ToC, we went to Ulduar to do the weekly raid quest. We earned the achievement Shutout (25 player). Then we headed straight for XT for the quest.
I had a good time with them. Though there are a couple things they did that made me really glad my priest is in the guild she's in.
- They called others out when they made mistakes -- by name. Not the guild leader, actually, but the guild members. So, that's a good indication. But, they were relentless. So much time was spent after each attempt ridiculing the people who had made the mistakes. It got very annoying. In my priest's guild they are much more professional (if you can use that word in this context) about it. We wipe, we run back. The raid leader explains what went wrong, without naming names, and we move on.
- They use no strategies, as mentioned above. They just go brute force. It works for them because it's normal mode and some of them are very geared. So, I can't say they're doing it wrong. But, it's not an environment that makes me comfortable. I'm a Virgo. I like order. In my priest's guild, it's all about organization and strategy. Or course, we do hard modes, so it's absolutely necessary to be organized.
Hyjal Summit, Black Temple, Tempest Keep.
Within minutes of me logging on as my priest someone announced in guild chat that they were doing Hyjal, BT and a TK mount run. I jumped at the chance. It was a very fun night. As with my Sunwell experience a few weeks back, I couldn't help wondering what it must have been like to do them at the appropriate level. Not only did I see exciting content and get achievements for it, but I also got to spend time with guildies in a relaxed situation. They really are a fun group. We stayed up until almost 4am doing that. No mount drop, though. :\
Winter Veil (Priest)
Saturday morning I got up and was simply going to kiss one of the Winter Revelers. But, my plans changed quickly when I got Mistletoe from them. Finally! So, I couldn't resist the opportunity to go use it on the Brothers for the achievement. Meanwhile, I queued for a random heroic.
Cutting out the boring details, two hours later I had finished Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's. Then I headed over to Ogri'la to finish the requisite quests leading up to the bombing one. Luckily for me, I found the achievements website on Friday. In it they list the specific quests you need to do this.
Meanwhile, my druid and hunter buddies from my mage guild came on and they invited me to do a run of the three new instances. So, I did that then went back to Ogri'la and finished Fa-la-la-la-Ogri'la
And got my Merrymaker title!
Break Time
Snide comments from my husband made me realize it was time for a break, so I logged and spent time with him, ate and took a nap. A few hours later I was refreshed and ready to play again.
Ulduar 10 (Mage)
I logged into my mage and immediately got a tell from a mage in my priest's guild. They were doing an Ulduar alt run for the weekly raid quest. She invited me to go on my mage. I got three achievements on the run: Shutout (10 player), Must Deconstruct Faster (10 player) and A Quick Shave (10 player).
It was an interesting experience to be with my priest guild but on my mage. I wasn't incognito; they knew who I was. At one point, one of the officers made comments about me not having my alts in the guild. It was said in jest, but I could tell there was a little truth to the statements. I suspect it will eventually become an issue -- at the very least I won't get invites since alt runs are technically supposed to be for guild alts. With the changes to the guild ranking system, I can understand why a guild would not want to help non-guild toons get achievements and such.
Anyway, I got a drop off of Razorscale -- a nice trinket. It made me realize how far behind, gear-wise, my mage is from my priest. I was excited to get it!
...the Patient
On Sunday I go the title "the Patient" that comes along with the achievement Looking for Many. Although I like having yet another title, I have to admit I was disappointed. I thought the Perky Pug came with it. Now I realize I'm only half way there. /sigh More random pugs! The good thing is I've only run across a handful of bad pugs with this new system. So, it's not going to be an onerous task.
And More Random Dungeons
Pretty much the rest of Sunday I spent doing random dungeons on my druid and my mage. After posting during the week that I had been neglecting the two of them, I decided to make a concerted effort to play them -- even if it's just to do the first random heroic each day one each for the Emblems of Frost.
It feels like ToC and Emblems of Triumph all over again. I remember getting two a day and wondering how long it would take me to get enough to buy anything. Now I'm going through the same thing on my druid and mage. With no real chance of going into ICC on them, the frost emblems will be slow in coming.
Icecrown Citadel 10 (Mage)
Yep...I actually got my mage into ICC 10! This is going out of order, but it follows the previous paragraph perfectly. After our Sunday raid (more below), we went on an alt run to ICC. Once again, I was the only non-guildy in the run. This time, however, there were no comments about my toon not being in the guild. We got down the first two bosses and I even got a the Scourgelord's Baton off the second boss. It was a very nice off-hand upgrade. Woo hoo!
Interesting note about the loot distribution. On the first boss, a very nice dagger (Frost Needle) dropped. The only two people rolling for it were me and the raid leader. He won the roll so he won it. He apologized to me in a whisper and promised the next mage-ish drop would be for me. Well, when we killed Lady Deathwhisper and saw the off-hand item drop there was a long pause. The raid leader finally said, that, even though he was interested in it, he was a man of his word. He gave it to me. Woo hoo! Props to him!
Oh and, I can't forget mentioning that we got a totally awesome achievement: Boned (10 player). Considering I didn't miss a single bone spike, I'm proud about having contributed greatly to that one. :)
ToC 25 (Priest)
OK...back to earlier in the night and our regular raids. We started in ToC 25. I was the third healer to get an invite. Woot! We cleared the place, which is expected since we technically have it on farm. I got a new belt, Cord of the Tenebrous Mist. With a belt buckle I got two sockets in it! A big upgrade for me. Woot!
After that, the officers announced we were finished for the night. The anxiety around Faction Champs was something they wanted to avoid as we went into the Christmas holiday week. So, they opted to split up and do other things. (Personally I think they cancelled it because many of the top players weren't on.)
So...this lead to the most exciting news of my entire post:
ToGC 10 (Priest)
My 10-man team went back to ToGC 10 to try to finish Anub'Arak. We had 24 attempts left when we started. And we finally killed him with 22 attempts left! Woo hoo!!! Yippee!!!! Hoooray!!!!!! I didn't get any drops, but that didn't matter. I was just so excited that we did it! Call of the Grand Crusade (10 player) baby. Yeah!!!!
Afterward it was pointed out to me how amazing it was that we did that with only two healers. Another reason to be proud. :-)
A very good weekend. Lots of fun. A couple drops. Lots of achievements (I didn't even mention some of the minor achievements that I got -- like # of raid emblems and stuff). Lots of accomplishments. Woo hoo!!!!
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