Friday, December 18, 2009

December 18, 2009

Yesterday I sat out for most of the raid. The raid leader made a point of apologizing to those of us who didn't get a spot, explaining that they're doing their best to mix people in so that it's not always the same people all the time. Although I believe that they are doing that. I also noted that the person who was chosen over me was that new healer that I feel so threatened by. (I'm being little dramatic, though there's a level of truth in it.)

It's all good. It was a progression run, so the best of the best need to be there. When it's on farm, I'll get in. It does make me sad, as it's a catch 22 situation. I can't rise to the level of the other healers without better gear ( is really a question of gear. Specs, gems, enchants, build and "rotation" are all the same). I can't get better gear if I'm not there to get drops. (Side note: last night during their progression run a belt dropped that is on the list of things I need. It went to a DPS. Although it was an appropriate item for her (and I'm glad she got an upgrade, even though it was minor), it would have been a substantial upgrade for me. /sigh)

I'm not the first to deal with this situation and I'm definitely not giing to be the last. There's nothing really to say about it other than it's frustrating. I'll be patient, though. In time it will come. Though I fear that I will always be behind the other healers because I'll never get the opportunities for gear that they get.

OK...enough self pity...on to more positive things:

Winter Veil
While the others raided, I took opportunity to get some Winter Vail stuff done. As I mentioned in a previous post, I only have three achievements to get.

Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's -- I started off by /kiss-ing Winter Revelers for the first time this year. I was reminded quickly that Mistletoe is really hard to come's all a matter of luck. Throughout the night I got in three kisses. None of which resulted in mistletoe. It's going to make this achievement difficult to get. I'll just have to make sure to take every possible opportunity to /kiss revelers. Sitting out for raids has a silver lining -- I'm free to kiss the revelers when I can.

Fa-la-la-la-Ogri'la -- I'm not 100% sure yet what to do to get this one. I never opened up the rep quests in Ogri'la, though on there was a post saying it wasn't necessary. I looked in Ogri'la for the quest giver, but couldn't find it. I'll spend some time today on checking to see if there is a quest line I must follow first. While I was in Ogri'la I got invited to the raid. (more below about that).

With a Little Helper from my Friends -- I finished this one this morning. I went into a couple BGs last night and got up to 24 HKs. Each time I died and lost the gnome form, I /afk-ed to exit the BG. Yeah, I know it's rude. But, I wasn't in there to farm honor. Like so many other people, I was just there for the achievement. Anyway...I'll be rude no longer because I finished it this morning.

ToGC 25 (Priest)
As mentioned above, I was called in to the raid eventually. Faction Champs. They're our brick wall. Not much to say. We didn't get it down. It's very frustrating.

ToGC 10 (Priest)
Several more attempts on Anub'arak, and still no success. Our team makeup was slightly different than the night before and we didn't seem to be doing as well. We still have 24 attempts left. Hopefully we'll get it on Sunday.

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