Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009

The last two days have been fun ones. I've been in Naxx on my mage most of the time, except when doing dailies on my priest. I haven't done a thing on any of the other toons.

Welcome Back to the Guild, Old Friend
So, for the last two nights I've gone to Naxx with on one of the "competing" raid runs. I'm the only person in the group who is not in their guild. And it's interesting because there's some history there. Their guild is actually the first guild I ever joined on my first toon. But I never felt a connection with the guild...and I stopped playing that toon when I found I enjoyed my hunter, then my priest, more.

Around the time my main guild was falling apart, I had gone on that other toon to get away from the drama. As I was playing her, I was watching guild chat and was totally offended by a situation that was going on and the fact that everyone was laughing at it. Having no strong attachment to the guild, I decided to just leave. Of course, there is one player who is an officer in the guild with whom I've been friends for a while. So, she was disappointed to see me leave.

Well...I've now been raiding for the past two nights with that guild. And guess what? I've found out that they're really a nice group of people after all and that the bad eggs in guild chat that night were not representative of the guild as a whole. So, last night I rejoined the guild on my first character. This time I have a different perspective, now feeling a bit more connected.

As I said, I've been going to Naxx with my first guild for the past couple nights. It has been a ton of fun. They're a good group of people and they know their way around Naxx. So, we got a lot done. Another good thing is that they're mostly in my time zone, so they stop at a decent hour for me.

I haven't got any drops yet. There have been a few items I would have rolled on, but they didn't have +hit and, as I mentioned in a post earlier in the week, I'm hurting for +hit on items currently. But, I'm not complaining. I got three items when I ran with that PuG last week, so I'm doing fine. I'm on top of the DPS meters, so it's good that the other get items. It's amazing how easy it is to be non-greedy with loot when you are with people you like. I've been genuinely happy not to roll on items, knowing that the person who gets them can use them more than I.

Of course, if I lose my top spot on the DPS charts, I might be less generous. :)

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