Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

The only raiding I did this weekend was on Friday night. OS25 was the first, and that went well. Naxx 10 was the second and...that did not go well at all. Casual versus serious raiders. Add alcohol and stir... I won't even go into it. (Sorry readers for being so vague. As I stated in the introductory post on this blog, this is really intended to be a diary, not a forum to discuss things. So, in this case, there are enough clues in the above to fully remind me of what happened. I'm going to have to keep you in the dark on this one.)

My Warlock Makes it to Northrend
I spent some time on my warlock this weekend. He went through Zangarmarsh and several Nagrand quests. When he was 67 I went to Northrend to see how he would do. I was sadly reminded that quests do not become available until 68. But, I was able to kill a few mobs fairly easily, which was very encouraging.

I want back to Outland and continued to plug away at quests until I finally dinged 68 at 12:30 a.m. I contemplated going to bed then, but just couldn't miss the opportunity to step back into Northrend and get a few new pieces of WotLK gear. I did the first few starter quests and upgraded my main hand weapon, my helm and...hmmm...something else. I can't remember which item and the Armory still lists my toon as lvl 65, so it hasn't been updated since early yesterday.

I'm so looking forward to leveling in Northrend. If for no other reason than to be with other players! Over the weekend I did Slave Pens, Underbog and Mana Tombs. Despite being in LFG for the entire time I was on, I only found three groups to go to instances with. The old world is so empty. :( On the upside, I was able to raise my mining skill with no competition for nodes and I only had to compete for mobs on a couple occasions.

I started the quest for the doomguard the other day, but realized all the mobs around the area were elites. Too tough for me to deal with alone at that level. So I have yet to finish that.

But I am glad to have learned Soulshatter and Ritual of Souls. I've already used the former a few times in instances. I only just last night learned the latter. I can't wait to distribute lock candy with it soon. :)

One thing I don't look forward to is travel time. My hearth has been set to Dalaran for a very long time. I've been able to quickly hearth there then port to any capital city I've needed. Now that I'm in Northrend, it's suddenly not so convenient since you can't fly from Dalaran to one of the starter areas without having the FPs in between. Tonight I think I'll try to hit the necessary FPs. Otherwise, I'll have to make a habit of hearthing to Dalaran, doing my bank business and/or profession training, porting to Stormwind, doing my class training (or whatever), then taking the boat back to Borean Tundra.

Yeah...I think it'll be worth it to run to the FPs tonight. I might do some corpse running, but I'll make it eventually.

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