Friday, May 29, 2009

Patterns of Behavior cont.

(another non-WoW post)

So I finally called my mother and my sister yesterday. I just couldn't postpone doing so any longer. In their voices I could hear disappointment mixed with joy. Joy for finally hearing my voice. Disappointment for having had to wait so long to hear back from me. It was painful. But, as each conversation ended I thought, "That was nice. I'm glad I spoke with them."

All is well, right?

No. I fear (know?) I've just reset the cycle. My sister's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. Will I call her on her birthday? Or will I wait until it passes then give an excuse as to why I was so darned busy on her birthday that I just couldn't take 5 minutes to call her? And, when I do call her, if I don't reach her, will I pick up the phone when she calls back? Or will I let her leave a message and then wait days or weeks to respond?

Or will I finally act like a responsible mature adult and do what's right? I want my sister, my mom, my family, my friends to all be happy. Why do I willfully do something that hurts them?

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