OK...so I'm not a good raid organizer. I really am not. Leader? Sure. Organizer? Nope, no can do. Last night our raid organizer didn't show up -- kind of expected, considering his current home situation. So, I took over. And I sat there staring at the screen. I saw all the acceptances but I had no idea who to actually invite. I couldn't do a group invite since I didn't have the right access to the invite. And I shouldn't have invited everyone in the invite list anyway -- we were doing 10-man VoA and more than 10 people signed up.
So, I invited those few I knew then gave them the ability to invite. After I told them they could do so (and it wasn't out of line to do so, since the two to whom I gave the ability are from the two other guilds that were attending the raid), there was silence. No one was invited...nothing. I asked if any of their guildies who had accepted were online. They said no.
So I sat there, looking at the screen. What to do? I felt so out of my element. I don't know these people. I can't keep track of who is what spec. But, most frustrating of all was all the people who signed up and either
- Were not logged on.
- Had already done it with another group.
Luckily for me, we were close to losing Wintergrasp. So, in the end, we decided to skip this run and wait to get Wintergrasp again. I logged off and ended up going to bed early.
Learning HTML
So...I fixed yesterday's post by downloading a free HTML viewer and creating the table there. Thanks to the suggestion from the first commentor on my blog! Yay!
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