Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Hmmm...lately it's been a week between each blog post. I wonder why. I guess partly because of how busy work has been lately. That definitely keeps me from writing. Dare I admit I only blog while at the office? I have better things to do when at home. :-)

Another reason has been my lack of time spent playing. Well, if you were to ask my husband, he would say I've been spending my usual amount of time playing. But, he's wrong. I've been playing less, he has just been sleeping more. Anyway...since I'm in a play downswing, my motivation to post has decreased as well.

With that said...

In my last post I recounted the brother-ruins-guild situation. Luckily we've bounced back. We don't have the items in the GB we used to have, but we have nearly all the members back.

I'm not sure where the guild is headed. I'm sensing that the raid leader has different ideas about what the guild stands for. He's really hard core about raiding and his default behavior is to criticize and ridicule people -- even before we've stepped foot into the instance. Some people might see this as a motivation tactic. I just find it annoying. I'm there to have fun, not to have some 18 year old egotistical bastard ridicule me for not moving out of Hologarn's eye beam quickly enough. Actually, luckily for me, I seem to be immune to his ridicule because I'm female, but that further annoys me.

Well, apparently, I'm not alone in this feeling. After a failed Onyxia run the other night, several of us were sitting around chatting on Vent about how things went down. I gathered from that conversation that some of the officers aren't too happy with the raid leader either. His is the type of personality that they were trying to get away from when they created the guild. Although we're a progression guild, we don't claim to aspire to the greatness of [insert names of top 3-5 raiding guilds on any given server].

I like this guild a lot...especially the GM and the officers. And the raid leader -- he knows what he's talking about. I'm hoping that he tempers his caustic attitude. Otherwise, I might be looking for another guild.

Of course, it might not be possible to find a guild that doesn't have someone like him. We'll see...

Ulduar (25-man)
I don't know what was up. Last week we went to Ulduar and did quite well. This week we couldn't even get past Kologarn. Holy eye beam, Batman! Some of our core raiders weren't with us, which surely played a part. But, still...

That set the tone for the weekend.

Onyxia (25-man)
Fail. :-( Poor connections, poor coordination, unwillingness to keep going at it. All of these contributed to a bad run.

ToC (10-man)
Fail. I wasn't on when they attempted it. They got saved, so they must have at least gotten down the Northrend Beasts. All I know is that those who were in the group didn't want to talk about the experience.

Fail on ToC 10-man? But we have it on farm!!??

Ulduar (10-man) Progression
We failed on our first few (four?) attempts to down Flame Leviathan with 4 towers up. So we finally downed 2 towers and killed that darned machine. Then, of course, I've already said many times that I'm not a fan of fights where you have to get into vehicles and play a style that you didn't "sign up" to play. Give me my spells and abilities and i'm good to go. Make me sit on a dragon or in a vehicle and forget it.

We did KT Hard mode. That's easy compared to Flame Leviathan.

Kologarn went down in one shot.

We tried doing Iron Council on hard mode. I think we made three attempts. On each one we made a crucial mistake. It's encouraging though. We clearly can do it. It's just a matter of not making stupid mistakes. :-)

We ended the night after Hodir.

Druid Leveling
My druid is now lvl 72. I love being able to fly in Storm Peaks and gather herbs in flight form. I swear it feels like cheating!

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