Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29, 2009

This past weekend was fun and drama filled. Drama first -- it's the most interesting.

Woah, Boy! Take a Chill Pill!
On Saturday night I went on a guild run to Ulduar. The raid leader's brother, who is in our guild, came on his hunter. Early in the run a trinket dropped and it was given to the brother. Later in the run a bow dropped, which apparently is 2nd best in slot. Well, the loot council decided to award it to another hunter in the group, who happened to be the wife of one of the officers.

I will point out here a few things of note, before going further.
  • I have faith that our loot council makes good decisions.
  • The husband of hunter #2 is an upstanding guy, so I have faith that he didn't push for the bow to be rewarded to his wife.
  • I suspect that the trinket was given to hunter #1, not because he wanted it, but because his brother just gave it to him.
  • I am not on the loot council so all of the previous points are based on observations, not hard cold facts.
As soon as hunter #2 got the bow, hunter #1 flipped a lid. He started screaming in Vent and also going off in Raid chat. He was furious, claiming that he was only there to get the bow and that he never wanted the trinket. The loot council folks explained to him that since he asked for the trinket and won it, he basically blew his chances for the bow. Had he truly only wanted the bow, he should have waited. He claimed over and over again that he never wanted the trinket. The raid leader insisted that he had whispered him indicating interest in the trinket.

The result of all of this was hunter #1 being kicked from the raid and the guild. Luckily, the raid went on further, so the outburst was not enough to derail it completely.

Then...later that night hunter #1 logged into his brother's (raid leader/loot master) account. He stole a bunch of stuff from the GB and kicked nearly every member of the guild out. Most of us members logged in on Sunday to find ourselves guildless. We got invited back in after whispering one of the officers.

Sheesh! All of that over a bow! Though I really think hunter #1 was right in complaining. I truly do suspect that the loot master gave him the trinket against his will since no one else wanted it and hunter #1 is his brother. Can you tell I don't fully trust the loot master? :-) I do trust the loot council as a whole. But when decisions are made by him alone, like this one where no one actually wanted the trinket, I wouldn't put it past him to favor his brother.

Druid Leveling
I got my druid to level 70. As I've indicated before, I'm really mostly interested in maxing Alchemy on her. Unfortunately, I'm at the point where I can't really advance much further without gaining a few more levels. I understand why Blizzard put level restrictions on professions...so a level 1 alt couldn't get max anything. But, it is frustrating nonetheless.

The cool thing is being able to fly in Northrend even at lvl 70. One of my 80 alts bought the book and mailed it to her. And voila! Cold weather flying at 68! Woo hoo! It's helping a lot with herb picking.