Monday, October 12, 2009

Questing after 80?

Here's a random thought I had today. I wonder how many people continue to quest after hitting 80? I'll qualify the question by excluding quests that give rep for factions like Sons of Hodir.

(I apologize in advance to anyone reading this. This is going to be a stream of consciousness type of post. I'm not going to go back to organize it for clarity.)

This is coming up because, even though I haven't done a normal quest on them in months, my priest's and mage's bags still have many quest items in them. I got the necessary reputation a long time ago by doing dailies and running dungeons with a tabard on. Now all I do on them is dailies and raids.

Meanwhile, their quest logs are almost full, with only enough open spots for three dailies.

Will I ever go back and do those quests? When I consider doing so, I decide instead to switch to my druid. My thought is that, if I'm gonna do quests, I might as well get XP for doing them.

I realize some people might continue to quest after reaching all their rep goals because of the extra money in lieu of xp. But, money is really not an issue for me. Unless we wipe incessantly, when I raid I usually come out in the green for the day, not the red. Ah...I suppose plate wearers might have a different experience. I know they get hit with bigger repair bills than we clothies do. I can see how they might need to quest to offset the cost. they do dailies? Or do they continue to plod through all the undone non-daily quests?

Let's see, there are probably some pretty obvious reasons someone might continue to do quests.
  • Rep grind (finished on my toons)
  • Raise cash, beyond what can be raised by just doing dailies. (I make enough with dailies and raiding)
  • Follow the story lines (I care nothing about the story line -- quests are a means to an end for me, not a way to immerse myself in the story)
  • Achievements (if I ever get the Achievement bug, I might go back and do quests)
  • Get quest reward items (all my gear is better than what can be gotten through quests)
  • Experience fun/creative quests (I will admit that some of the quests are priceless. I might be missing out on entertainment by skipping some) I can see why others might continue to quest after 80. But, I doubt I will do so any time soon.

So...should I just drop all those quests to get rid of the quest items and free up the bag space? As I gather more and more Soulbound items that I keep for either sentimental reasons or possible use in the future...or even carrying a bag full of items for my dual spec...I'm running out of space. Yes, I can use a bank alt, and I do. But, honestly, do I really need to carry around all these quest items for months on end with no real intention of ever finishing the quests?

Yeah I life is so difficult. :-D

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