Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7, 2009

Onyxia 10
Late (very late!) last night, after what was supposed to be the final run of the day -- the daily heroic -- my raid leader asked me to heal Ony 10. Since it was well past my bedtime, I seriously considered declining. But, something told me this might be a successful run. I was right! After 3 wipes, and a couple juggling around of tanks, we got the brood mother down! I got three things out of the experience:
The achievements were cool, but the head piece was the best thing of the night. It looks so cool. It resides behind the head (an effect I've wanted for ages) and looks like two horns coming out. I love it! The jury's out on whether or not it's actually better for me than the Tier piece I was wearing. It definitely raises my gear score, but I suspect I might have lost the set bonus by putting it on. I'll have to check it out again tonight when I get on.

Ulduar 10
I just recently got the Tier 8 Raid Chest piece on my mage. Since it's a tunic, it allows my pants to be seen. I love the look...away with the stodgy robes...and let me see those tight leather pants! the pants are not leather in the game mechanics, but they sure look like they are. They remind me of when I was a DM for Neverwinter Nights and I customized my DM toons' clothing. I almost always made skin tight black pants for them. But I digress...

When I logged into my mage last night I noticed I had enough emblems of conquest to get another item. So, I got the Sash of Potent Incantations. I got a belt buckle from a guildie and put a quick +16 Int gem into it (might change that later). Then off to Ulduar I went.

I was amazed at the increase in my dps! I was hitting 4.2k. I had been topping out before in the high 3ks, so passing 4k was exciting. Woo hoo! I was riding high all night. And, even though we quit at Kologarn, I wasn't upset. :)

Druid Leveling
I leveled alchemy on my druid last night, after passing some mats from my bank alt -- all those extra gems from prospecting on my priest are finally paying off. I am now at 446 Alchemy and I'm FINALLY creating Flasks of Frost Wyrms for myself. To hell with all you people who have profited from me buying them off the AH. No more! hehehe I'm also very glad I chose Elixir Mastery. I "created" 5 flasks, but the procs on my mastery netted me 10! In AH prices, I just saved roughly 320 gold. Yay!

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