Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18, 2009

Alt Fever, Baby!
Out of the blue I've gotten alt fever again. Just when I was thinking I couldn't live through the level grind one more time, I bought a couple more heirloom items and shipped them off to an alt. This mostly came about because I was trying to decide what to do with all my Emblems of Heroism. There are many things to buy, but in the end, I decided to use them on items that cannot be purchased any other way -- heirloom items.

So...suddenly my Pally and my Shaman have gained a few levels. They're both sharing the Bloodied Arcanite Reaper, the Tattered Dreadmist Mantle and the Swift Hand of Justice. I also own the Discerning Eye of the Beast, but I'm too lazy to switch it back and forth with my druid.

Shaman -- Leveling the Shaman is fun. I'm not 100% sure if I'm playing her "right" or not, but I'm doing OK. I've only died a few times and only when I get unexpected adds. I've learned to use Stoneclaw Totem whenever I get overwhelmed. It works wells for distracting adds so I can focus on one at a time.

Pally -- The Pally is more mindless. I can pretty much hack and slash my way through most encounters. Makes it easy to watch TV while playing her. Just cast Judgement of Light then allow auto-attack to do its work. Refresh the judgment as needed. Rinse and repeat.

Druid -- I played my druid again last night. I really do want to get her to 80 and dual spec Resto / Balance. I found a ZF group and finished a bunch of quests in there. I was really happy with my DPS and survivability. Also, someone who was new to the game banged the gong before we had killed the adds around the pool of water. So, Gahz'Rilla was summoned sooner than expected. We survived due to luck and a little bit of skill. The Priest healer died so I dropped Moonkin form and switched to healing. That made the difference. The nice thing is that healing spells rely on most of the stats that my Moonkin relies on. So I'm a decent off-healer -- better than I would be if my main spec were Feral.

Warlock -- Poor guy. I've been ignoring him. But, as I said in a previous post, I pretty much met my goals with him. So, I'm OK with not focusing on him as much as the others at this point.

So my priest's guild went back to Ulduar on Sunday, hoping to get down Freya before the reset. Unfortunately, we couldn't assemble the entire group. One interesting thing to note: One of my old guild members who is in this guild with me was complaining that he never gets invites to Ulduar runs. He was complaining that they apparently do them ad-hoc instead of scheduling them. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the runs are actually planned, but he's not getting the invites. Then, on Sunday when we were sitting there waiting for the final two DPS to come on, someone suggested that we invite the complainer just to fill the spot. There were moans and reluctance to invite him. I waited quietly to see why they didn't want to, but they never came out and said it. Then, finally when they decided to give in and invite him, he declined saying that he was saved. Ugh.

We're going back to Ulduar tonight. I'm not sure if we'll start fresh or extend last week's raid. I kinda want to start fresh so I can get drops. But, it would be nice to progress.

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