Well, it looks like my guild may be in its last days. I'm not surprised. Something changed drastically when the expansion hit. Hmmm....now that I think about it, change was in the air before, but the expansion made it worse. The guild leader made a bold move last night - removing one of his toons to make a "statement". Unfortunately, he doesn't realize a couple things:
- No one noticed when he left. He probably did so when no one else was around.
- No one (except me) noticed that he was logged in last night. I'm the only one with that toon on my friends list. So, I saw when he logged in and off. But, since no one else has him on their friends list (why would they need to when he was in their guild list?), they never noticed his activity.
I suppose it was inevitable. Nothing lasts forever, not even a WoW guild. Especially with the tenuous bonds holding together a social/leveling guild made up of maybe 6-10 individuals, max. Our hey day, from my perspective, was a period ranging from 8 to 3 months ago. For those five months we all clicked. We were leveling our alts to 70. We were doing instances frequently. We were helping each other out on quests. We were leveling our professions. We were having fun in guild chat. It was everything you'd want out of a social guild.
Then the expansion hit. One player quit entirely. Another player's personal life changed (for the better), so she cut back her play time drastically. The rest of us took different paths with the expansion. As I've mentioned below a few times, I focused on reaching 80, doing heroics and raids. Others focused on leveling their Death Knights. Others focused on doing old world stuff to get achievements. Others focused on BGs. But, none of us did this all at the same time together. We lost our cohesion. We lost what made ours a special tight-knit guild.
Is there hope? Will we recover from this slump? Or should we step away now and remember the good times? Although I feel I'll miss the contact with my fellow guild members, let's be honest. I really don't know them. I only have the email addresses of two of them. And, like any other Internet friendship I've had, it will likely die quickly when all is said and done. So, if I put sentimentality aside, I tend to think I should cut my losses and bail.
But, if I do bail, where will I go? Do I want to be part of a raiding guild? The one I would consider joining just had a really really bad night the other night. They merged with another small guild this week and we tried to do a 10-man Naxx made up of old and new members the other night. Talk about clash of the Titans. Woah! That run fell apart with older members pissed off like no tomorrow. Would I want to join that guild now? If I do drop my guild tag, they will expect me to. And, theoretically, rightfully so. They have helped me tremendously in gearing up. When asked if I would join them I explained that I couldn't because I was an officer in a social (non-raiding) guild. So, if I am no longer part of that guild, do I still have that excuse not to join them? And, if I join another guild, they would have every right to be offended, wouldn't they?
Do I worry too much about others? Or are my concerns valid?
I guess I won't rush to leave the guild. I'm not in a hurry to join another, so there's no reason to lose the guild tag until I have to. And the side benefit of staying is the interaction with my guild mates. They are fun guys. I'll let the guild leader decide the fate of the guild. If and when he decides to disband it, at that point I'll deal with the question of what my next step is. Meanwhile, I'll stick around.
More to say, but I'm already an hour past time to leave the office. 10-man Naxx again tonight. My fingers are crossed hoping that guild #2 worked out their issues.
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