Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 13, 2009

Obsidian Sanctum
Went to a 10-man OS last night with guild #2. One shotted it. Not a single death on the run. The druid and I sure do make a good healing pair. :) I only got emblems, but that's OK, other than the 22-slot bag and the satchel of spoils, the only thing I really want from there is the cool amulet.

It took a while for the run to start. I listened in vent while the guild mini-drama took place. First, apparently a calendar item was made for people in the guild to attend the raid. Many people didn't respond and of those who actually did, a few didn't show up. Additionally, one of the reasons it took so long was that 4 of the guild members were in an heroic instance PuG. The guild leader and the main tank were miffed and began questioning what they should do. I just sat there quietly like a fly on the wall.

They picked up an off-tank from LFG. He had the strangest accent. It was a mixture of southern and French. Maybe he's from New Orleans? Anyway...he was a little annoying, as he kept telling us tactics throughout the run. After the fourth or fifth "lecture", the other raid members stopped responding. i would have loved to have seen the guild chat about him. I could tell no one appreciated his "advice" considering we've cleared the OS a few times already. And...the fact that we one shotted him speaks to our understanding of how to do it right.

Not a single run last night. The guild leader tried to organize a run but I was in OS while he was doing so. When he realized that, he made a comment about it then said, "Guess nothing's going to happen tonight."

I get it. My PuGging of raids is causing frustration. I'm not sure what to do. As soon as I was done with the raid I announced in guild chat that I was free to help anyone with anything. No one took me up on my offer. For now, I think that's all I can do. I really do want to help these guys progress, but I also want to progress. Ugh! It'll be interesting to see in a few months where this all stands.

The Oracles
I reached Revered with The Oracles this morning. So, I got me a little mysterious egg. In just 7 days, I'll either have me some Aged Yolk, one of the 4 hatchlings, or a new mount! Maybe my luck with The Oracles will be better than my luck with the dailies in Bruunhildar Village. Been doing those for weeks and still no polar bear!

Biker Chick!
One thing I almost forgot. The druid healer from guild #2 gave me a ride in his chopper last night after the run. Fun fun fun! :)

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