Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 6, 2009

Last night I had very little time to play. Didn't even get to finish all my dailies. /gasp

Gundrak (Heroic)
As soon as I logged in I was asked to heal for a Heroic Gundrak. After three failed attempts to get the first boss down, I gracefully bowed out. I've been trying to stick to my self-made rule of "3 wipes and I'm outta there." Of course, there are some situations, like in Raids, where that doesn't apply. But, in PuG 5-mans that I know I can do with a good group, I'm not wasting my time. I did feel bad leaving, but I think it was for everyone's good.

Obsidian Sanctum
I went back to OS with the other guild. We tried to do it with one drake up, but failed miserably. So, we took that drake down and finished the instance with no problems. Something to work towards. I got my Tier 7 Gloves. I'm still unsure whether they're actually better than the gloves I had on. I'll see how it goes.

We returned to Naxx. Patchwerk went down easily. Yay! We then moved on to Grobbulus. I hate to sound like a teenager, but Epic Fail! We had a guy in the group that explained the fight to us. We tried 4 times, but still couldn't get it. We did get him closer to death each time, but we definitely need to figure out how to better position the gas clouds. (I watched a video of it online today and saw a couple things we could do to improve.)

Vault of Archavon
We went to Vault of Archavon after giving up on Grobbulus. Easy 10 minute raid.

Nothing to report on the guild front. I felt kinda bad raiding with another guild tonight. But there weren't enough people on in my guild to pull together an instance. So, it's probably nothing to worry about.

General Observations
So, one of the interesting tidbits from last night was that one of the players in the other guild talked about being gay. Of course, it wasn't news to his guildmates, but it was news to me. I thought it was awesome to hear the banter between these guys. They obviously have known each other a long time, so they know each other pretty well. As far as I can tell, the other guys are straight. So, it was wonderful to see them interacting with no prejudice at all. Hoorah for them! In a game filled with teenage boys proving their "manhood" by killing one another, having better equipment, etc., it was refreshing to see this. I feel I'm lucky to have found them.

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